Jan 29, 2018
Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon and Paul “Moonpir”
Running Time: 1:42:46
Music by MusiM: Spotify | Bandcamp | iTunes
Livestream Archive: YouTube
This week we chat about Fortnite, The Division, OlliOlli, Firewatch, Monster Hunter: World, Forza Horizon 3, Destiny 2, The Mummy Demastered, Danganronpa...
Jan 22, 2018
Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon and Paul “Moonpir”
Running Time: 2:02:36
Music by MusiM: Spotify | Bandcamp | iTunes
Livestream Archive: YouTube
This week we chat about PUBG, ACA NeoGeo King of Monsters, ACA NeoGeo Magical Drop 2, Astroneer, Tropico 5, Forza Horizon 3, Marvel Puzzle Quest, Destiny 2,...