May 31, 2019
Featuring: Paul “Moonpir” Carver-Smith and Jess Carver-Smith
Running Time: 55:59
Our scientist and artist combo head into the early 2000's in
this month;s issue of ODNF, to watch 2006's The Prestige.
It's a movie about magic? ...or is it? Moon certainly doesn't know,
as it's his turn for a movie he hasn't watched! Will this be a
magical mystery tour? Can the Nolan Factor wave it's magic wand
over the couple and keep them happy, or will this be another lack
of iMAGICnation? The tale of two brothers seperated by their
obsession and destiny has got to be good, right?
As one of the two magic movies out around the same time, can it
be-witch and bedazzle? Can Jess keep her cool about spoilers?
Let's head into our own transportation device, and why dont you
join us for the ride!
Intro and Outro Reel effects from justsoundfx on youtube
Break sound effects courtesy of NoiseCollector over at
Musical Break 1: Colorado Springs - David Julyan
Musical Break 2: The Prestige - David Julyan