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That Video Game Podcast

Apr 25, 2016

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon and John "Knobs" Knoblach
Running Time: 1:05:06
Music: Enter the Gungeon
Livestream: YouTube

This week we chat about Left 4 Dead 2, Battlefield 4, Battleborn, Portal, Marvel Avengers Academy, Bad Dudes, Enter the Gungeon, Risk Of Rain, Bravely Second.

Apr 18, 2016

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon and John "Knobs" Knoblach
Running Time: 1:13:29
Music: Xenogears
Livestream: YouTube

This week we chat about Left 4 Dead 2, Battlefield 4, Quantum Break, Battleborn, Destiny, Risk Of Rain, Enter the Gungeon, Marvel Avengers Academy.

Apr 11, 2016

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon and John "Knobs" Knoblach
Running Time: 1:08:41
Music: Shovel Knight
Livestream: YouTube

This week we chat about Left 4 Dead 2, Quantum Break, Marvel Avenger’s Academy, Kingom Hearts Unchained x, miitomo, Enter the Gungeon.

Apr 8, 2016

Featuring: Brian “TheHanna” Hanna and Michael "Boston" Hannon
Running Time: 58:20
Livestream: YouTube

The TVGP Crew comes together to talk about space and spiders in FTL: Faster Than Light!

Apr 4, 2016

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon and John "Knobs" Knoblach
Running Time: 58:24
Music: Super Meat Boy!
Livestream: YouTube

This week we chat about Battlefield 4, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Left 4 Dead 2, Peggle, RBI Baseball 16, Tales of Zestiria, A Walk In the Dark, Soda Dungeon, and Miitomo.