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That Video Game Podcast

Sep 30, 2013

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon, John "Knobs" Knoblach, and Brian “TheHanna” Hanna
Running Time: 1:53:08
Music: Rockman Rock Arrange

This week we chat about MNGN, DOA 5U, Grand Theft Auto 5, Space Commander, TNGN, Ticket To Ride, World of Warcraft, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, KOTOR, a smidge more Diablo 3, and Pocket...

Sep 23, 2013

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon, John "Knobs" Knoblach, and Brian “TheHanna” Hanna
Running Time: 1:14:40
Music: Donkey Kong Returns

This week we chat about MNGN, DOA 5U, Gears of War 3, Grand Theft Auto 5, Lumines: ES, Super Hexagon, Skyrim, Diablo 3, and Hearthstone.

Sep 16, 2013

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon, John "Knobs" Knoblach, and Brian “TheHanna” Hanna
Running Time: 1:06:08
Music: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

This week, we chat about MNGN, Muramasa, Saints Row 4, Spelunky, Skyrim, Hearthstone, Diablo 3, and Saints Row 4.

Sep 9, 2013

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon, John "Knobs" Knoblach, and Brian “TheHanna” Hanna
Running Time: 1:38:16
Music: Persona 4 Arena

Once audio was finally working, we chat about MNGN, Saints Row 4, Peggle, Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate, Tokyo Jungle, Sleeping Dogs, Red Dead Redemption, Skyrim, Hearthstone, and Castle...

Sep 2, 2013

Featuring: Michael "Boston" Hannon, John "Knobs" Knoblach, and Brian “TheHanna” Hanna
Running Time: 1:45:25
Music: Rockman Techno Arrange

We’re all back this week and jumping forever while chatting about MNGN, TNGN, Peggle, Gears of War 3, Saints Row 4, Muramasa Rebirth, Gravity Rush, Spelunky, Sleeping Dogs,...